Helens Apple
A recent bittersweet cider apple.
Yellow green ripening to golden yellow with orange red flush. A fresh medium bittersweet flavour.
Flowers early May, sometimes the end of April. Matures late September to early October. A strong, upright vigorous tree popular with organic growers due to its scab resistance.
Another of the 'Girls' varieties bred by Liz Copas and Ray Williams at the Long Ashton Research Station in Somerset to provide England's commercial cider industry with a wider range of bitter-sweets and bitter-sharp apples ripening earlier that the traditional varieties.
A great early pollinator.
M116 – Medium. A semi-vigorous rootstock, with trees growing up to 3-4m (10-13
ft) high. Space trees 3.6m (12ft) with 4.5m (15ft) between the rows. Good for wet soil conditions. Start fruiting after 3-4 years.
MM106 – Medium. A semi-vigorous rootstock, with trees growing up to 3-4m (10-13
ft) high. Space trees 3.6m (12ft) with 4.5m (15ft) between the rows. Good for half standards, espaliers, cordons. Start fruiting after 3-4 years.
M25 – Large. A very vigorous rootstock, with trees growing up to 6m (20
ft) high. Space trees 4.5, (15 ft) with 6m (20ft) between the rows. Grow as full or half standard. Ideal in poorer soil in exposed sites. Start fruiting after 5-6 years.
For further information click here
Postage Rates (Mainland UK only)
Delivery is charged at the flat rate of £15.00.
All of our trees are available for delivery bare rooted during the winter planting season, which runs from early December to late March.
If you require any further help or assistance, there's information on rootstocks, pollination and planting out under the advice tab in the main menu, or please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
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